

what my routine was like before the Corona situation.

Hellow! I am Zilani. I am a class 09 science student.I wrote an article earlier about what I do all day, but that was in the case of the lockdown of the Covid-19. And today I will tell you what my routine was like before the Corona situation.Maybe you all like it. Let's get started then-

what my routine was like before the Corona situation.

Undoubtedly, everything was normal then and so the school was open. I was studying in class 08. Then I would wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Then I would freshen up, eat breakfast, get ready, pack my books, notebooks and pens in my school bag and leave the house for school. I would leave the house at 07:30 am because my class would start at 08:00 am.

In this way 2 hours and 3 classes are held (08:00-10:00 am). Then tiffin period is given for 20 minutes. And many parents bring food, my mother also used to come with food. Friends used to eat together. If there was time after eating or if the teacher was late for class, we would play a little.

 I used to go to school 10 minutes ago (07:50 am). Then I say hi to my friends. Sit looking at an empty bench. Then the teacher came to the class and started teaching.

Then the teacher came to the class again and started teaching. Thus, from 10:20 am to 12:45 pm, 3 classes are held again and then another break is given for 15 minutes . During this break we would eat less and play more. We would spend this break loudly.

Then the teacher comes to the class again and starts teaching without any break. Then classes are held from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Then he set everyone free for that day.

It would be wrong to say free because we all had to come a little later for coaching. We all go home after class. I also used to go home at 3 pm, take a bath, have lunch, rest for a while and then leave home for coaching at 06:30 am. Then night coaching is done from 07:00 pm to 10:00 pm.Then I return home, eat my Dinner and finish my homework. Then I fell asleep at 12:00 O'Clock.

That was my routine. You may say that we, the students of class 08, have to do so because we have to do it because it is our class 08 year board exam. In our Bangladesh this examination is called J.S.C (Junior School Certificate).And this examination certificate will be required for all jobs. We have to take a little pressure to get this success on our own.

But suddenly Corona came to earth and it became impossible to take the test, so the government of our country was forced to give Auto Pass. I will talk about this in another article if you want to go.

Basically this was my previous routine of corona situation. 


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