

What I do all day. The first Article of my life.

The first Article of my life

Hellow! I am Zilani. I am a class 09 science student. I will discuss what I do throughout the day and how I spend my day

What I do all day. The first Article of my life.
I am Zilani.

I woke up at 8:00 am in the morning. At first,I'm going to be fresh, I talk to my parents differently (what you say every day and I also say so). Then I sit down with the phone after eating and drinking. I check Facebook Messenger for a while. Then I play a  game for sometime and now since coming to the blogging site, the game is not played so much. I take online classes from my school, so I go through classes from 11:00 am to 01:00 pm. Then I help my mother in her work, such as cleaning the house, removing the furniture. And I do a lot of work all day from morning. I help to take something, what else is that little thing. Then I take a bath and  pray  within 1:30 minutes,. Then sit down to eat in 2:15 minutes.

After eating, I watch some TV and then get ready in 3:30 minutes and go out for my tuition. There we have some students studying science to Jalal Sir after us. In the evening I went back home.  Then I came and washed my hands and face and got fresh. Then after the prayers, after having a light breakfast and resting  Then sit down to read after the prayers at night: 7:00-8:30 minutes later. Then rest for some time and sit down to eat between 09:00 PM. Then I rested for a while, prayed and started writing a blog about what I did all day. Then at the end of the writing I quickly went to bed and fell asleep.

See More-What My Routine Was Like Before The Corona Situation.

This was my whole day's routine. I am new to this blog so I am writing some articles about myself without any content. I hope you like it. And when I become a professional, I will write and post about many things.


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