

Is it possible to do time travel? What do you do first if you get a time machine?

What to do first if you are ever able to do time travel.

Hey guys! Today I will tell you about the mystery of time travel and time machine. Is it really possible to make a time machine? Let's Start---

Stephen Hawking Cocktail party.

Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest scientists of the century. He hosted a cocktail party at the Cambridge Convil & Gayas collage on June 2, 2009. But he did not invite anyone to the party that day. In other words, at this party, he was sitting alone in a wheelchair, waiting for someone.

 The next day, on June 3, 2009, Stephen Hawking held a press conference all over the world and invited people from all over the world to his June 2 party. I mean, the party that happened yesterday, the party invited everyone the next day! That means people will need a time machine to go to the party. Press conference he held on June 3 and the party he invited in 2 june.

 So his invitation was for those who are able to do time travel. Stephen Hawking did not comment on whether anyone came to the party on June 2. But this test shows how willing people are to travel in time. Many of you think it is not possible to Time Travel .

 Many scientists agree on this point. Some scientists, including Stephen Hawking, believe that time travel is possible.

Think back to the time when Leonardo Davarzil imagined an airplane, but it took 200 years to build and implement it, meaning that the imagination of scientists like Stephen Hawking who imagined a time machine may have come true. 

And if you want to know if time travel is possible, please comment. I will appear among you with some arguments very soon and I will give the link of the new post in the comment of the post.

 And yes if you can ever provide a time machine or be able to do time travel then Stephen must go to Hawking's 2nd June party.

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