

Why Michael Jackson's famous Dance Move is a legal crime?

About Michael Jackson's Terrible Dance Step.

Did you know that if we show Michael Jackson's famous, difficult and terrifying dance move as ordinary people, we can get into trouble with the law. But why? Let's find out about it---

lean down at a 45° degree angle.

You may have seen many famous Michael Jackson's Dancing Move. You may be surprised to see this special dance of Michael Jackson. He could lean down at a 45° degree angle. However, with Michael Jackson's dance step, many people around the world say that Michael Jackson wore a special type of shoe to perform the lean down step at 45° degree .[michael jackson famous dance moves]

 Which will be stuck with the nail on the stage at Disgine under the shoe. With the help of which Michael Jackson could easily do this dance step. But no one in the world could make shoes and move like Michael Jackson  leaning Down 45° Angle.[michael jackson famous dance]

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 And even if someone did or wanted to do this step, there is a possibility of breaking his leg. That means it's almost impossible to do. The custom behind Michael Jackson's dance step is a rumor so far.

 Michael Jackson practiced so much to do this dance step that we could never have imagined. You would be surprised to know that  he patented this dancing step in his own name.[videtuff  dance style]

 That's why after the death of Michael Jackson, no one performs this dance on any big stage. Because if someone does this dance step, then he will have to face various laws due to breaking the patent rules.

So it is a illegal crime to do this dance step.[michael jackson dance style]

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